Web 2.0 Tools
Myna is a freeware audio mixing program that has some very powerful features, great sound libraries as well as being straightforward and easy to use. Myna is a new product that was just released less than a month ago so it has very few reviews on it but the ones that I did read were very enthusiastic about Myna and its features. As a video teacher I am constantly seeking sources that don’t have a lot of the licensing and copyright issues that compound with the fact that I teach on Apple platforms but 90% of my students have Windows based systems at home. The kids love to use Garageband at school and really are quite good making their own tracks but Garageband is an Apple application and not downloadable to Window platforms so programs like Myna become very valuable resources, especially in tougher economic times.
Myna is a full-featured application that has a lot of powerful tools in its tool chest. With Myna you can edit existing audio with the ability to cut, fade, add effects and change tempos without effecting pitch. Myna has an automation section with fades, left to right pans and constant volume gains and losses that can be programmed into mixes. In the effects area you have your standard delays, reverbs, choruses, flanges and parametric equalization. The import/ export section of Myna is not Pro Tools but it does handle all common audio files as well as some less exotic audio files. One other great strength that Myna offers is that its operation is a lot like other programs that I currently use such as Apple’s Garageband and Adobe’s Sound Booth with some resemblance to Apple’s top of the line Logic program. Another feature that I haven’t seen on audio software is the collaboration feature of Myna, which allows multiple users to edit and create mixes.
Aviary, (2009) Retrieved November 8, 2009, from Aviary website:
(2009) [Myna logo] Retrieved November 8, 2009, from Aviary website:
I would love to hear more about this if and as you use it. Great find!