Web 2.0 Tools
Vimeo bills itself as a respectful online community of creative people who are passionate about sharing the videos they make and providing the best tools for the highest quality video in the universe. If you haven’t guessed it by now Vimeo is an online video hosting site much akin to Youtube in both feature category tags and channels but that is where the comparisons seem to stop. Vimeo really is a respectful online community of video makers, as the site is not inundated with all of the America’s Funniest Video/Jackass type videos. There were a few of those videos on the site but not anywhere near the numbers found on Youtube. What I did find on Vimeo were some wonderful channels, groups, categories and projects, all of these features enhance the experience of Vimeo. The channels seem much the same as Youtube channels with great tutorials like editing with Adobe and one that particularly caught my eye called Reading Writing Web, the content was based on social media and its use. The one area that really stood out to me was the project area. The project area is an area where video makers can take a challenge and make a video with specific parameters and post them for adjudication. There is also a forum area for talking over video making, receiving advice on particular aspects of filmmaking or to have technical questions answered. One more area in the project tab that I thought was outstanding was the collaboration area where filmmakers can collaborate on anything video and students could come together globally to put together a video project.
As a hosting site Vimeo does show a lot of promise, it doesn’t seem to have a lot of the Youtube issues that most school districts would find offensive but it does still have some which may disqualify it for school use. Video hosting for educational purposes could be an invaluable tool for students to utilize to have their work displayed and critiqued as well as to view other students work and offer up critiques of their own.
Vimeo, (2009). Retrieved November 8, 2009, from Vimeo website: http://vimeo.com/
Quape9, (2009) [Vimeo logo] Retrieved November 8, 2009, from iconspedia website:
Another great choice, Pat. Van posted about Reel Clever. I want to check that out as well. Again, any success stories (or other) regarding these tools would be appreciated! Great post!